Just over a month ago me and my boyfriend bought our first home together! The prospect of owning my first house with a mortgage AND living with a boy still hasn’t sunk in for me yet…Even though I’m anxious pretty much 24/7 of the time I am so, SO excited to finally have a place to call my own.
Our home is a new build which means we get to start from scratch. We have to wait a long ol’ eight months until our house is complete – which for an impatient person like me isn’t ideal. But this just means that we have a lot more time to prepare and also save towards new furniture. The goal is to make our home look as dreamy as we can of course!
One of my favourite interior colours recently has been pastel pink (I doubt my boyfriend would agree with me on this one). Now, pink wouldn’t be the first colour I would think to decorate my home but after spending hours on Pinterest (standard) I wanted to find a colour that wasn’t really intense and didn’t overpower a room like red and purples did.
I was surprised how versatile pink looks and the way it achieves not only a fresh spring look but also gives a stylish, romantic and quite contemporary vibe. From pastel pinks to soft-greys, pink is becoming the new neutral. Also when you add a dash of metallic to the mix – WOWSER – it becomes instantly grown up and sophisticated.
Check out a few of my favourite pink interior designs here…
*Images Pinterest & Oliver Bonas
Are there any colour schemes you would go for? Drop a comment with your interior must-haves!