Happy Sunday beauties! I’m up bright and early this morning helping my bro try and get tickets for Glastonbury. And even though I have multiple tabs open, not ONE is loading properly and it’s crash city, urgh. Tickets have just sold out now – cool.
Anyway, I finally want to write up my October goals for you guys! This month has definitely got off to a positive start. I’m feeling motivated and inspired by so much around me lately (maybe it’s the beautiful autumn leaves?) and I’m on a mission to maintain this positive mind-set for as long as I can and start getting.shit.done.
Also guys, today is 3 weeks cutting out alcohol AND day 9 smoke-free! It’s been super tough I won’t lie. I’ve felt like a craving, emotional lunatic 95% of the time but I haven’t given in! I’m thinking of doing a proper blog post on this subject and share some tips/motivation to help anyone wanting or trying to quit smoking. I’m also thinking of sharing my experience with hypnotherapy – it could be a lol for you at the very least tbh.
Until then here are my October goals:
- Prepare a blog schedule – I know, I know – it’s sinful I haven’t done this already. Blogging is something I normally do sporadically and this just ain’t working for me or my non existent following. Consistence is key and so is prepared content. I want to start with a Sunday series/diary and go from there – what do you think?
- Step up my photography game – I’m saving up for a new camera but until then there’s no reason why I can’t work with what I’ve got and make much more effort in general. So I’ve recently bought new backgrounds (HELLO marble vinyl & pastel colours from Amazon) and I’m ready to get creative and get my insta theme on!
- Read more. It’s a shame that quitting smoking made me realise this one. But reading is seriously a great stress relief and mind stimulant. I recently bought CTRL ALT Delete: How I Grew Up Online, The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**ck, Love x Style x Life and Estee Lalonde’s new book – Bloom – I’m going IN.
- Plan more social outings with my girls/bloggers. I know my life is currently saving for house furniture and what not but I don’t think it’s an excuse to be a complete anti-social hermit. Although I really (really, really really) enjoy my own company, I need to get out more, end of.
- Feng Shui my shit. Everything in my room is so messy. Everything is everywhere. It’s like piles of clothes have there own piles of clothes. I also think my boyfriend could be a secret hoarder of empty boxes… It just all needs to go and a wardrobe cull/update is needed. Tidy place, tidy mind right?!
Here’s to another productive month bloggers *virtual high-five*. What are your October goals?
*Image – Pinterest